Saturday, November 14, 2009

Biggest architectural exhibition in Russia ArchMoscow 2009

I would like to start from our stend on ArchMoscow... Actualy, Russia is on the back side of architectural process, now. I do not know why! However, we try do something interesting... just for us, for our emerging. The idea of exhibition was "NEXT". What is realy "next" in architecture? Our solution was - "next" is information fields arownd us. Yes! It allredy exist, of course! But it's only rising, and it is very strong intrigue for future: will information field replace regular buildings or not? I mean, walls, bricks, ceilings... Or they will combine together? We just try to imagin small house inside information waves...

And, of course:) Inside this type of house in future only information images of owners will be:) We are alredy appears in our houses by internet, talking with daugthers and wifes by mobiles, checking everithing by camers and smarthouse sistems. If your daugther or son can see you only few minuts befor sliping, it realy mean, that just information image of you attend:))).....