Thursday, September 30, 2010

2010 La Biennale Zhu Yufan installation

Zhu Yufan - member of Chinize Biennale's team, landscape architect. His sculptural installation, combined fron stainless steel and rusted steel, function as a “travel pass” that reminds people of their standardized behaviors within various environments.

Monday, September 20, 2010

La Biennale 2010 Zhu Pei instalation

One of most poetic place on Biennale keep quiet just behind the Arsennale... Exactly opposit the entrance to Chinese pavilion, which second time attracts my attention. You can see in my blog by the label Biennale 2008 very interesting composition made before. And now there is the real rest for  someone's eyes, who rich this small and looks like wild garden. It is the cloud sit on the meadow... or transparent hill or just the ghost of hill... Any way it is basilisk... Congratulations to young studio from Bejing!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

2010 La Biennale di Venezia - Brasilian and Austrian pavilions

The very recomended for visit is Brasilian pavilion (above), biggest part of it dedicated to Oscar Nimeier's buildings... 
Next five pictures right bellow are from Austian pavilion show a lot of interesting models made from any materials... and by 3-D printer, as usual, by ZH studio...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

AutoCad 2011 for Macintosh will arrive in October 2010

 As you now AutoCad 2011 for Macintosh arriving soon... So, this nice video will help you select right hardware for newest architect's tool...

Nature by nambers

Thanks to for this amazing video..... Sometimes very complicated things are organized by very simple rules...

Nature by Numbers from Cristóbal Vila on Vimeo.